Envirofloor oak

Envirofloor Oak Logo

A signature range of oak from AUSWOOD made of cross-laminated substrate with 3mm oak lamela finished in 7 ever-lasting colours. The grand board thickness is 14mm and standard board size is 1900mmx190mm.

SPECIES Natural, Campfire, Billabong, Saddleback, Sandstone, Shady Grove, Whitecliffe
Product range envirofloor oak
Species European Oak
Timber origin France
Veneer 3mm
Thickness 14mm
Width 190mm
Length 1900mm
Nesting Up to 1/3
Pack size TBA
Timber grade ABCD
Construction Engineered
Substrate Cross laminated, plantation, eucalyptus
Profile T/G
Finish acrylic lacquer
Surface brushed open coating
Sheen level less than 10%
Edge profile micro-bevel
Glue MUF
Responsible timber certification Yes


Item Profile Specification

(all in matte)

  2.4 LM per piece

 (all in matte)

     2.4 LM per piece

 (all in matte)

   2.4 LM per piece

Timber Nosing

(all in matte)

Stock in set length: (checkstock)

· Blackbutt: 0.9m, 1.8m, 2.1m


· Blue Gum: 0.9m, 1.5m 1.8m,2.1m


· Spotted Gum:   0.9m, 1.5m 1.8m,2.1m